Label: "monetary policy"

A Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) épülete
February 27, 2024 14:00

Hungary cenbank accelerates rate cut pace to 100 basis points

75bp was the other option

kamatdonto  ülés
February 26, 2024 17:50

Hungarian cenbank to cut rates further, but uncertainties are huge

Split in the Monetary Council, divide in the market

virág barnabás mnb bef
February 22, 2024 10:00

Hungary to examine both 75 and 100 bp rate cut options this month - Virág

There are arguments in favour of both

nagy márton
February 15, 2024 16:46

Hungary EcoMin reveals what threatens growth in 2024

Márton Nagy considers battle against inflation as won

Londoni elemzők: nem a holnapi lesz az MNB legnagyobb döntése
February 14, 2024 15:18

We now know which Hungarian rate-setters wanted a sharper cut in January

Long-standing unity broken

varga mihály matolcsy györgy
February 14, 2024 08:17

Hungary cenbank chief meets Finance Minister

To discuss inflation and sustainable growth

piaci összeomlás
February 12, 2024 07:55

Hungarian GDP and US inflation on the cards this week

There will be other, potentially market-moving data from abroad as well

Így lesznek nyitva a boltok az ünnepek alatt
February 09, 2024 11:20

Hungary January inflation undershoots central bank forecast

MNB publishes CPI assessment

kiskereskedelem bevásárlás bolt
February 08, 2024 14:10

Inflation in Hungary seen sharply down in January - How will the central bank react?

First CPI data of the year to land on Friday

Nagy Máront nemzetgazdasági miniszter
February 05, 2024 08:33

Hungarian Economy Minister says budget deficit will not be below 3% even next year

The deficit will be 4.5% this year

Virág Barnabás MNB
January 30, 2024 15:35

Developments on Hungarian market since last Monday warranted caution - cenbanker

MNB Deputy Governor explains smaller-than-expected rate cut

Az MNB újabb nagy dobására vár a piac
January 30, 2024 14:00

Hungary central bank maintains pace of monetary easing

MNB cuts base rate 75 basis points, while market expected 100bp

January 29, 2024 10:35

Hungary central bank may shift gears but what will happen to the forint then?

Monetary Council to meet again on Tuesday

dollár forint
January 29, 2024 08:28

First round of central bank barrage of the year due this week

Besides the MNB, Fed policymakers also meet

January 24, 2024 11:33

Hungary central bank to discontinue one of its tools as of end-January

Base rate will gain even more importance

January 17, 2024 11:15

Hungarian central banker says pace of rate cuts might be accelerated

Expectations for 6-7% base rate are realistic - says Barnabás Virág

January 12, 2024 09:05

Nobody expected this: a huge drop in Hungarian inflation!

Quite a surprise...

Karácsony bolt bevásárlás
January 11, 2024 12:50

How devastating is Hungary's price increase? One of the key releases for 2023 coming up!

Disinflation may continue in early 2024 too